الموظفين/خارج الخدمة

قم بتبسيط وتأمين دورة حياة موظفيك

IT Onboarding

Automated Onboarding

  • Define office, department and teams (HR, Finance, Sales, etc..)
  • Assign devices and apps to employees per functions and roles
  • Ensure a smooth new joiner experience

IT Security and Compliance

Zero-Touch Deployment

  • Automated and fast onboarding ensuring employees are set-up and ready to contribute from day one!
  • Eliminate wasted times and manual setups with our zero-touch deployment feature (devices and apps configured)
  • Provisioning and de-provisioning made easy

Access Management

  • Entitlements, ACL (access management) on applications, drive, serveurs or cloud set-up in just a few clicks.
  • Security access management with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO).

الإعداد الآلي

__wf_نحتفظ بالميراث

إنهاء خدمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات

بروتوكولات صارمة لتأمين وحماية معلومات الأعمال الحساسة عند مغادرة الموظفين، ومنع خروقات البيانات وضمان راحة البال.

تأهيل تكنولوجيا المعلومات

قم بتأمين وحماية عملك، ولا تدع البيانات تغادر مع الموظفين المغادرين.

__wf_نحتفظ بالميراث
__wf_نحتفظ بالميراث

إلغاء البيانات وإعادة تدويرها

إلغاء البيانات وتدمير البيانات ومحو البيانات... نضمن عدم مغادرة بياناتك لمكتبك. سوف يفرغ Swyt سلة المهملات من أجلك!

Frequently asked questions about our IT onboarding and offboarding

What are the key features of Zero Touch Deployment?

Zero Touch Deployment (ZTD) is an IT onboarding process that automates the setup and configuration of devices without requiring manual intervention from IT staff. It uses pre-configured policies, scripts, and cloud-based services to ensure new devices are ready to use once powered on and connected to the network. These are the key features: 

  • Automation: Devices are automatically configured with necessary settings, applications, and security measures.
  • Cloud Integration: Utilizes cloud services to manage and deploy configurations remotely.
  • Pre-Configuration: Devices are pre-configured with required policies before being shipped to end users.
  • Self-Service: End users can start using their devices immediately with minimal setup on their part.  

What is the onboarding process in an IT system?

The onboarding process in an IT system involves a series of steps and procedures to set up and prepare new employees or users with the necessary technology and access to perform their roles effectively. This process ensures that users have the required hardware, software, access rights, and support to start working efficiently from their first day. 

What is IT offboarding?

IT offboarding is the process of systematically removing access and privileges from departing employees or users within an organization’s IT infrastructure. This ensures that the organization’s data and systems remain secure and that any proprietary or sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access. Key steps in this process include data backup, wiping out devices, revoking access, and putting the devices back into the inventory.

How can global procurement help manage your global employees?

Global procurement allows organizations to get their devices delivered efficiently, regardless of where their teams are located. By working with Swyt, you get a single global supplier that simplifies your procurement process, ensure timely deliveries, and maintain consistent standards across different regions.

What are the benefits of access management and application installation in IT onboarding and offboarding?

Access management and application installation ensure that all devices are provisioned with necessary applications and access rights from day one. This reduces the time spent by IT teams on managing onboarding processes and enhances the onboarding experience for new users, allowing them to be productive immediately. For IT offboarding, access management facilitates device deprovisioning and the revocation of access rights, ensuring that all company data is securely removed and that former employees no longer have access to sensitive information. This helps maintain security and protects against unauthorized access to the organization's systems and data.

How does integrating HRMS solutions with IT systems improve onboarding and offboarding?

Integrating HRMS solutions (such as Bamboo HR, Zenhr, SAP) with IT systems like the Swyt app streamlines the management of IT onboarding and offboarding processes. This integration ensures that new hires are quickly provided with the necessary tools and access, and that departing employees have their access revoked efficiently, thereby maintaining security and operational efficiency.

لا تقم بتجميع الأجهزة القديمة، فالنفايات الإلكترونية تأخذ مكانًا كبيرًا. قم بإعادة تدوير الأجهزة بأمان باستخدام Swyt.
Recycle devices securely with Swyt.

نحن نجمع ونؤمن ونتخلص.